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It Is a Love Story

发表于 27.6.2003 16:10:38 | 只看该作者
I arrived at Saint James Square at noon. The square was almost empty. It was <br>a blistering July day, and I felt tired and dizzy, for the sun was already<br>hurting my eyes. I walked across the square, my foot steps sound weird and<br>vacumm in the midday silence.<br><br>The Lushy Raccoon Cafe was not <br><br>THe Lushy Raccoon Cafe was not difficult to find. A dismal little place,<br>seemed to fall apart at moment, and it did not fall apart because it had<br>not decided which way to fall. I pushed the door open, it squeaked noisily.<br>It was dark inside, and I had to stand still for some time before I could<br>recognize something moving like poorly fermently bread behind the counter.<br>It was the bar tender, half asleep. The place was heating like a stove.<br>Looking around, I saw that I was the only customer in the bar.<br><br>I picked up a window seat, dark as anywhere else, for the windows were covered<br>with dust at least three inches thick. It was the first time I ever set foot in<br>a bar like that in ten years, or maybe twenty years, who knows? I took out the<br>letter again. It was the shorted letter I have ever read:<br><br>"twelve o&#39;clock, Lush Raccoon. St. James Square."<br><br>Who can this man be? Or maybe it is a woman? The letter was typed, and there <br>was no signiture. Just then, I heart the big clock on the square strike <br>twelve, muffled<br><br><br><br>twelve, muffled and very distant.<br>(TO BE CONTINUED BY ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED)<br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:11:05 | 只看该作者
The door opens. It is an old wooden door. On each side of the door, a great <br>handle glitters in a sort of strange light after years of touching. <br>The glittering light makes a great difference in the darkness of the <br>background. I look around and cannot find out the source of the light <br>from which it reflects the glittering rays. I can guess it has at least <br>ten years of history of being there. <br><br>I stare at the door with great attention. It seems he is a big figure<br>and he is trying to hide his face from being seen, for what I have seen<br>first is his feet other than the upper part of his body. It is a large<br>boot, with a good appearance of quality and dignity. But I can see there<br>is a small patch on the head of the boot, maybe just at the position where<br>his big toe stays. Although the patch is done with great care and patience,<br>it cannot escape my eyes. Years of experience as a private detective makes<br>me very sensitive on such details.<br><br>The boots move slowly, as if walking on the ice plain of a spring river.<br>The bar has a low threshold, so the boots can move quietly without making<br>any noise. Or maybe the great noise of the squeaking door has overridden it.<br>It just crawls on the floor, like a big cobra approaching his prey in south <br>America jungles. The left foot comes in. Then the right. Now I can see most<br>of the part of his legs, but his face still remains hidden from me.<br><br>My heart beats faster. From the style of his feet moving, I can guess he is<br>not very old, for people older than fifty never have the ability to make his<br>movement so accurately. Slowly, he turns his face to me.<br><br>My hand moves to the gun in the right pocket of my jacket.<br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:11:24 | 只看该作者
The gun is there, in its usual place. When I touch it a chill runs down my <br>spine. I forget to load the bullets&#33; Last night just before I go to bed I <br>unloaded my gun, and I was in such a hurry this morning. <br><br>It is a mistake. Surely it is. A biggest mistake I have ever made in my<br>whole life.<br><br>The man turns to me. He is a big man about 6 feet 1. His nose and mouth <br>are hidden in a bunch of moustach and beard, so heavy that he look almost wild.<br>He wears a ragged jacket that must be unwashed ever since it has been a piece <br>of cloth. He smells of ginger ale and rough tobacco. And for a moment I notice<br>his hairy hands. He has a big ring of a scull on the middle finger of his <br>right hand.<br><br>I nod to him. No answer. The man does not seem to see anything. He is <br>gazing at me with that strange expression on his face that upset me.<br>I don&#39;t know him. I can swear I have not seen a face like that ever.<br><br>Then I see that he is not looking. He is not looking at me, or at<br>anything. He merely stares. He stands there, staring. Suddenly he<br>totters, and his face grows pale. He falls to the seat opposite to mine,<br>He is drunk, I think.<br><br>But he is not drunk. He is dead.<br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:12:09 | 只看该作者
I stare at his face. So pale. I cannot imagine it can be a<br>face of a human being. It must be the color of a kind of<br>fine fibre. It reminds me of that mysterious guy in the novel<br>of a French writer. I read it when I am still a boy, living in <br>that village of my grandmother. He was jailed by a wrong case and <br>stayed there for many years. After he was released he turned pale,<br>just like the guy in front of me. Until I reached my twenties, a face<br>of that kind often haunted in my dreams. I just cannot forget it,<br>as if I cannot forget my first kiss, although they are so different.<br>But the degree is the same, except one is bitter and the other<br>is a sweet one.<br><br>And now, a face of that kind is in front of me, sitting opposite to <br>me, gazing at me. But he is dead&#33;<br><br>There is still not any other customers in the bar. The attendant<br>puts his head on the arms at the counter. He falls asleep at last,<br>I think. I try to bring myself from my own experience to the reality.<br>I try to fortify my alertness. This is an important ability to be a<br>professional detective. Never mix yourself into the case, although<br>you can judge it from your experience. I can remember my experience<br>of dealing with my first case. At that time my girl had just left me<br>and gone with another guy. I could not get her out of my mind. So I lost.<br>I lost my first case. I almost lost my life upon that merciless murderer,<br>the only reason of which was that her face is similar to my girl&#39;s in such<br>a tremendous degree. This time I must not repeat my failure again. I have<br>confidence in myself. I have grown out of my juvenile stage now. Ten <br>years of experience of being a detective ensures that.<br><br>I move my sight across this guy&#39;s body and at last I rest it on the upper left<br>pocket of his jacket. It projects a little. I take out my gloves and wear them.<br>I extend my hand to that pocket. It is really strange, because my own<br>experience haunts again. I remember the time when I pulled eggs from the bird<br>nest when I was young. The fear of meeting snake in the nest is so vivid to me,<br>even now. What is the matter? I said to myself. It has been years since I acted<br>like this. <br><br>I pull it out. It is a letter, in a sort of black ink. I have not even any time<br>to notice the strange handwriting before I was caught by the first line.<br><br>"I am a sinner", it reads.<br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:12:26 | 只看该作者
Collect by yourself&#33; A voice says. It is a strange&#39;s voice, void and harsh and<br>cracked, seems to come from a remote height, if not from the hell down below.<br>I sit still, then I realize it is my own voice. The bar is dark and silent<br>like a grave. I hear my heart beating inside, voilent and very irregular as <br>if it is going to leap out at any moment. My breath grows heavy and a eerie<br>dizziness gets into my head. I catch hold of my chair. It is no use, the <br>chair is rickety, so instead, I rest my head on the table. A comfortable chill<br>runs through me.<br><br>Something has stiken me before I have time to know what it is. I feel a <br>sickening throb underneath my ribs. Is it what people call a "sink of heart"?<br>It is as if something has gone down and touched and stirred in the most secret<br>part my body, a part that I have been so carefully concealing throughout the<br>years that I almost forget its existence. <br><br>I open the letter again, and I know what happens. It is the handwriting of the<br>letter. It is a woman&#39;s handwriting, and even if I were burnt to ashes, even<br>if I were too old to read, even if I had lost my eyesight so that I could<br>only touch the paper with my hands, I would still know who has written it.<br>It is her, the girl who has given me my first kiss.<br><br>The letter is clearly written in haste, for the ink scatters everywhere, and <br>for several parts in the letter, the paper is ripped by pen nib. The letter<br>paper is ordinary, with five pennies you can buy a sheet at any stationary<br>shop. I carefully fold it and put it in my wallet. What I am to do next?<br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:13:41 | 只看该作者
It was impossible to stay in the bar any longer. I looked around. The barman <br>was still fast asleep. It surely was an errie scene with a dirty big man lying<br>stone cold in front of me and nobody noticing anything unusual. It was unreal,<br>as if in a dream. I stood up, carefully balancing the chair. Still it made a<br>little rasping sound. I froze. nothing happened. The barman&#39;s snoring was<br>smooth and even as ever.<br><br>Something was not right. I knew.<br><br>I went over to the counter, hand in my right pocket. I have no bullets, but<br>the pistle may come handy when I wanted to knock somebody on the head. <br>Darkness was all around, and behind it I smelt evil, and danger, and fear,<br>in my own breath. My shoes clicked ominously on the worn wooden floor. The<br>barman was still snoring. It was a long sleep, for him. <br><br>A heap of something began to reveal itself from behind the counter. It was<br>a man, or so it used to be, for now it was but a lifeless corpse. A gramophone<br>was silently whirling at its side. A faint light shimmered as it whirled.<br><br>I should have known that the time I entered the bar&#33; A large invisible hand<br>had taken hold of my throat. What is it? What do they want?<br><br>I dashed towards the door. Just as i was about to open it, I heart a rustling <br>sound behing.<br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:14:02 | 只看该作者
It was a cat, a black cat. I could see the rolling<br>eyeballs and wildly scattered apple of that alert<br>animal across the darkness. I hated that kind of animal.<br>When I was eight, there was such a grimalkin in Betty&#39;s.<br>Betty was a good woman and she always braised eggs for<br>me when I dropped on her. But I remembered clearly<br>I had to share the delicious egg with that cat and she<br>often had the big part. "It will make her quiet and then<br>we can have time to fun", Betty told me. I understood her,<br>for I was a good boy then. Betty was really a warm-hearted<br>granny, but I hated her cat. It is that mammal who had <br>robbed over fifty percent of my nourishing childhood.<br><br>I walked down the street. The gentle breeze of late September<br>stroked my face, just like her hands. Yes, her hands&#33;<br>I jerked to the pocket of my jacket and pulled out of the<br>letter.<br><br>"I am a sinner", it read.<br><br>That was the first sentence and the last sentence.<br><br>I looked around and found an automatic beverage seller near<br>the corner of the street. I threw two coins into the machine<br>and got a tin of Angle Kiss, hehe, the kind I liked best. In<br>fact, any sort of liquid can do the job, but I preferred this<br>one, why not?<br><br>I got out my handkerchief and dipped it into the tin. Then<br>carefully I let the little drops trickled down to the paper.<br>A minute later, the paper was wet and emitted that kind of<br>familiar scent, the scent of Angle Kiss&#33; Igniting my cigarette<br>lighter and parching the paper with great care, I could recognize<br>the words of the letter one by one.<br><br>It was from her. All were her familiar words and styles&#33;<br> <br>    Dear Oliver,<br>    <br>    You are reading what I am writing now. And thank to God<br>    you have not forgotten our old tricks to marinate letter<br>    with alum and conceal our sweet words from your wicked<br>    father. We have resonance. I am sure of that.<br>    <br>    But what I am going to tell you is far from that. It is a long<br>    story.<br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:14:21 | 只看该作者
"We had our time, Oliver, and sweet memories, though thus saying, I still <br>wonder if you bore grudges to what I have done to you; if your bitterness<br>has gone, leaving room for pardon and forgiveness. But I am not begging your<br>forgiveness, I am begging you to believe me.<br><br>When I left you five years ago, Oliver, I told you I loved another man. This<br>is not true. I never did love another man in my life except you, but leaving<br>you was my only choice then. <br><br>Remember I told you that I had no father, and that my father died long ago?<br>That was also not true. I had a father, and he was a living all the time. <br>Remember a man called Uncle John often visited me, and brought me flowers <br>and gifts? That was him, that was my father.<br><br>There is something you don&#39;t understand, Oliver. My father was a navy officer<br>during the War. He was a colnel. He and his men were sent to Mediteranian<br>on a highly confidential mission in 1944, but their ship was ambushed and <br>torpedoed. My father was the only man to survive. It was not an accident,<br>as the men in the Navy Department said, it was plotted. Shortly after my <br>father&#39;s return to the navy, he was captured for no reason at all, and was<br>imprisoned. The press said he committed treason and was sentenced to death,<br>but I knew it was not the case. ( Do you still remember the famous case of<br>Dellsworth? he was my father). The night before his exusion, he escaped. He <br>got himself a false name, and he&#39;d always come to visit me in disguise.<br>I was the only one in this world he could trust.<br><br>but this did not last long. They soon traced him down, and what was worse,<br>they knew I wasw his daughter. We left in great hurry. I lost everything,<br>everything, including you.<br><br>We drifted from place to place all these years. They---I mean the men who<br>have been puesuing us---were a large and orgnised group. They were<br>wicked people, and they were very persiverent.<br><br>All these years I have been missing you, and this makes a silly mistake.<br>I keep one of your letters, but I lost it a few days ago. They got it.<br>It had your adress and signiture. Do you know what i mean?<br><br>Sam is our best friend, and we sent him to you. Come, Oliver, you are our<br>only help. Besides, you are now their prey.<br><br>Who is coming? I hear footsteps in the corridor. It does not sound like my father&#39;s<br>...<br>"<br><br>The letter had no ending.<br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:14:34 | 只看该作者
It was almost dusk. A wind blew up from opposite the Square and it chilled me.<br>I turned my collar to the encroaching damp. My mother used to say night damp<br>was the worst thing you ever have for your health. I believe her, she was <br>always right. I dodged into a road-side shop and bought myself a bottle of<br>scotch. Scotch always helps when your are chilled, and sometims, when you are<br>afraid.<br><br>I was afraid, yes. It was not that I was afraid of death or what ever. Life<br>meant little to me since my mother passed away six months ago. God bless<br>her soul. She was the kindest woman ever born to this world. I was afraid of <br>loneliness, of the hostility that enveloped me and choked me. And now the <br>world was receding into unpalpable remoteness, a wasteland where you can<br>neither understand nor be understood. But stop now, sentimentality was <br>dangerous.<br><br>I began to walk, and I walked fast. I was thinking before I knew what about,<br>and where about. A cab slided soundlessly past. I did not hail it. The night <br>air did me good. I even did not stop when I passed a weapon shop to reload<br>my empty gun. I was urged by some nameless anxiety I knew not what.<br><br>Before I was aware I found myself in a little ravine extending to the hills.<br>And I knew where I was heading for. I was going to her house, just a little<br>high up there on the ridge. It was an empty house now, but empty houses always<br>tell you more than any people do.<br><br>A pale moon was rising, tinged with a light shade of red. And through the <br>interweaving branches night birds were giving off lonely cries. I walked in <br>silence. Faint cracks of dead leaves broke the silence occasionally. I now <br>arrived at an open place among the woods, and from there I could see her<br>house clearly from a distance. The moon was right above it, and the house<br>was set in contrasting shadows that made it look ghastly. I paused for a <br>second. For a moment I believed I saw a confiture of a young woman standing<br>at the protruding balcony of the second floor. But when I looked again it <br>was gone. It must be my hullucination of Soso (for Soso was her name), I <br>thought, and moved on, feeling colder than ever.<br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:14:46 | 只看该作者
Wind chills. A voice murmured. Tree leaves trembled in frisson. Tree leaves<br>fell in silence. Something moved. Nothing moved. It was the moon, its shimmer<br>was weaving all kinds of hullucinations before me. I kept steady. I was near<br>the house now. I stopped behind some bushes, squated down, and waited. All<br>was in silence, even birds had ceased chirping. I took out the bottle of <br>Scotch, unsrewed it and took a deep draft. Then I stood up, and walked <br>towards the front door. It was pale in the moon light as a tomb stone.<br><br>The door was unlocked, and I pushed it open, it made no sounds. Before<br>entering my eyes fell to something shinning, half buried in dust. It was a<br>copper button, and with a scull on it. I picked it up and put it into my own<br>pocket. I remembered the big man in the coffee and his ring. Sam was here,<br>and maybe it was here he got fatally wounded.<br><br>Dust was everywhere in the house, and a stale, muddy smell choked me. I took <br>out my zippo and lit it. Everything, furnitures, lamps, sheets, were covered<br>with at least one inch thick of dust. No one had been here for a long time. <br>Spider webs shimmer in corners, and they were intact. Nothing stirred, not<br>even a mouse. Only the shadows of things flickered on the wall like monsterous<br>giants. I saw half a sick of candle on the stove at the far end of the room, <br>and I walked across to fetch it, for the kerosine in my zippo was running out.<br><br>The moment I touched the candle blood curdled inside me. It was still warm&#33; <br>Just then, I heard something cracked behind me. It was from a 0.38 revolver,<br>I was sure.<br>
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