
楼主 |
发表于 27.6.2003 16:14:21
"We had our time, Oliver, and sweet memories, though thus saying, I still <br>wonder if you bore grudges to what I have done to you; if your bitterness<br>has gone, leaving room for pardon and forgiveness. But I am not begging your<br>forgiveness, I am begging you to believe me.<br><br>When I left you five years ago, Oliver, I told you I loved another man. This<br>is not true. I never did love another man in my life except you, but leaving<br>you was my only choice then. <br><br>Remember I told you that I had no father, and that my father died long ago?<br>That was also not true. I had a father, and he was a living all the time. <br>Remember a man called Uncle John often visited me, and brought me flowers <br>and gifts? That was him, that was my father.<br><br>There is something you don't understand, Oliver. My father was a navy officer<br>during the War. He was a colnel. He and his men were sent to Mediteranian<br>on a highly confidential mission in 1944, but their ship was ambushed and <br>torpedoed. My father was the only man to survive. It was not an accident,<br>as the men in the Navy Department said, it was plotted. Shortly after my <br>father's return to the navy, he was captured for no reason at all, and was<br>imprisoned. The press said he committed treason and was sentenced to death,<br>but I knew it was not the case. ( Do you still remember the famous case of<br>Dellsworth? he was my father). The night before his exusion, he escaped. He <br>got himself a false name, and he'd always come to visit me in disguise.<br>I was the only one in this world he could trust.<br><br>but this did not last long. They soon traced him down, and what was worse,<br>they knew I wasw his daughter. We left in great hurry. I lost everything,<br>everything, including you.<br><br>We drifted from place to place all these years. They---I mean the men who<br>have been puesuing us---were a large and orgnised group. They were<br>wicked people, and they were very persiverent.<br><br>All these years I have been missing you, and this makes a silly mistake.<br>I keep one of your letters, but I lost it a few days ago. They got it.<br>It had your adress and signiture. Do you know what i mean?<br><br>Sam is our best friend, and we sent him to you. Come, Oliver, you are our<br>only help. Besides, you are now their prey.<br><br>Who is coming? I hear footsteps in the corridor. It does not sound like my father's<br>...<br>"<br><br>The letter had no ending.<br><br> |