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It Is a Love Story

 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:15:05 | 只看该作者
The candle was split in half by the bullet and the two pieces were<br>sent flying and crashed against the wall.<br>    "Freeze&#33; Hands up&#33; Don&#39;t touch anything or I&#39;ll shoot you&#33;" A sharp<br>scream came from a corner in the house behind me.<br>    I put up my hands and slowly turned around.I saw a slim figure rose<br>from behind the table in that dark corner.Something black and shimmering<br>was clasped by both hands.That must be the revolver.<br>    The figure stood up and made one step towards me.It was a woman for<br>the long hair rested on her shoulder.She was breathing very hard for<br>the faint moonlight showed that her breast was fluctuating violently.<br>    "Who are you?What do you come her for?" The woman demanded.<br>    I made no answer but my feet were slowing moving towards the door<br>in a almost unnoticable manner.Now my left foot was only one step from<br>the door.If the woman&#39;s attention released a bit,I would jump out in a<br>flash.<br>    Suddenly something glimmering below the neck of the woman caught my <br>sight in a strange way.It seemed so familiar to me.Then I realized it was<br>a diamond drooped from a necklace hanging around her neck.Right on the <br>center of the diamond I saw something in the shape of a peach.A peach <br>with a short piece of stem.I could&#39;nt help leaning ahead a bit more.<br>It was not a peach,I could figure out,but a heart pierced through by an<br>arrow.Something exciting came to my mind and my heart began pounding.<br>    "Are you Hilary,my dear Hilary?"<br>    The woman was taken aback.Her lips were trembling.She could hardly<br>hold the gun.<br>    "You,you..., are Oliver?"Her murmured nervously but excitedly.<br>    "It&#39;s me,your dearest Oliver.I just hurried over at your message."<br>    She stepped forward a step and stared at my face for about an minute.<br>    Clang&#33;The gun dropped to the ground.<br>    The woman hasted up and put her hands round my neck.<br> <br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:15:25 | 只看该作者
Five minutes later we were in the woods again, still intoxicated by our<br>unexpected encounter. The house was a dangerous place, we both knew that. It<br>was much safer to stay in the outside. We sat down under a dead tree. The moon<br>was now high up in the air.<br><br>"You haven&#39;t changed much." she said, looking me in the eyes.<br><br>"Oh, yes." I answered. God knows I HAVE changed much all these years. Five<br>years is not a long time to some people, but it is surely a long time to a <br>lonely detective, who exposed himself to all elements, and sought comfort <br>only in alcohol and memories. Five years ago I was still a child, I wore short<br>hair, always kept my face clean, and had a pair of glasses on my nose that <br>made me look quite bookish. Now my hair was long and untidy, I smelled of <br>ginger and scotch, my beard was in a dreadful mess, and I changed the glasses <br>to contact lenses because they were fit to my job. And she said I hadn&#39;t <br>changed much&#33; Is five years really that long as to make you forget a person <br>you all together? Or maybe she is just trying to comfort me.<br><br>And how about my Hilary? I looked at her. I narrowed my eyes and gazed. She <br>returned my gaze with an uneasy smile. After all we haven&#39;t seen each other <br>for so long. She is still the same old girl. Long hair, archy smiles. The<br>moon was now directly above us, and her face was beautiful. An unearthly <br>beauty. I drew my breath. But then I caught something in her eyes. I could<br>not tell what it was, but something just did not seem to be all right. She<br>was uneasy. She was scared. She must had some terrible experiences,<br><br>"How did you get here?" I asked.<br><br>"I escaped," she looked away from me,"They were careless one day and I just<br>escaped."<br><br>"And what are you doing here?"<br><br>"I am looking for something, something important. Sorry I can&#39;t tell you all,<br>we have no time. Come with me. We&#39;ve got to go."<br><br>"But where?"<br><br>"Hush, Oliver, you ask too much. Just come with me. Will you?" She smiled, her<br>smile nearly took my breath away.<br><br>We stood up. I followed her. We were gouing through small paths and unbeaten <br>roads. Leaves were thick on the ground, and they made unnerving noices as we <br>moved on.<br><br>Suddenly I whispered:" Soso&#33;."<br><br>There was no answer. Hilary was absorbed and she went fast.<br><br>"Soso&#33;" I said, louder this time.<br><br>Hilary turned. "What did you say?"<br><br>"Nothing." I said. "I just thought about an old cat I had two years ago. Her <br>name was Soso."<br><br>"What beautiful name&#33; Oliver, you are romantic as ever."<br><br>But I was not being romantic. Soso was MY Hilary&#39;s nick name. I have been<br>calling ever since I knew her.<br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:15:39 | 只看该作者
It was an endless road. I was thinking. I thought of many things but got no <br>answer. It must be early hours in the morning, for the moon was beginning to <br>go down. The world was sleeping, except the two of us. It was a time for<br>ghosts and vampires and goblins and all weird things you could imagine, they <br>came out from the under world, to take a walk, my mother used to say, for all<br>things need to take walk, be it a dog, a man or a ghost.<br><br>Now I am taking a walk, a long long walk that I disliked but have to take<br>still. The road was bearly seen. We were going through a thick bush-land, it <br>seemed, and branches scrached my face and hurt me. "Hurry, up." Hilary said. <br>"We have no time."<br><br>I did not say anything. I am tired of saying things. I was making some <br>calculation. If I was not mistaken, we were now heading towards due west. <br>Thirty miles from the city due west, in the woods, lay the ruin of an old <br>warehouse built during the War, it was said. "A very haunted olace, I assure<br>you." Old men in door steps used to tell me that when I was still young. I<br>thought they were merely frightening me. Now I knew they wasn&#39;t.<br><br>We had been walking for almost four hours now. We were nearing the place, for<br>Hilary quickened up visibl. It was strange we came all the way in utter <br>silence. Or maybe it was not strange after all.<br><br>Suddenly I saw a cliff to my left, bearly concealed by tree branches that<br>ran in all directions. Without thinking I gave a faint cry and disappeared <br>down the darkness, still unfathonable in the night. I took hold of one tree<br>branch, then another, till I was safe at the bottom. Still my hands were <br>bleeding from rubbing. I squated down I listened.<br><br>"Oliver...."it was Hilary&#39;s voice. I looked up but could see nothing. The voice <br>seemed to come to me from an unreachable distance. Then there was silence. <br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 27.6.2003 16:16:07 | 只看该作者
The end -- Cats<br><br><br>I don&#39;t like cats. I don&#39;t like them at all. They are beautiful animals, but <br>they sratch, they give out hedious noices, and above all, they bite the hands<br>that feed them. Cats do make me feel very bad sometimes.<br><br>Last night, at about two, I woke up from midnight dreary and dizziness (for I<br>had a little more beer than that was good for me before I went to bed). I <br>thought I heard a cat mewing. At first I thought Soso was back, but then I <br>knew it was the cat that lives up-stairs. I knew Soso&#39;s voice, she is tender.<br>The cat lives upstairs belongs to a boy who is fond of cats. Although this one<br>is a girl-cat too, she is a firece little thing. She came out to have a walk<br>yeaterday afternoon, and ran into our room by chance, and enjoyed my dinner<br>very much. So I knew her mewing.<br><br>A storm was blowing up, temperature was dropping fast. I began to worry about<br>her. Is she right there outside my door? I got up, shivering from cold. I <br>opened the door. The corridor was empty. Wind was making loud noices against<br>domitary walls, and lamps seemed to go out at any moment. <br><br>I went back to bed, and had a fretful dream, in which I was a detective (again<br>&#33;) I can&#39;t remember the whole story now, but it seemed a complete one, with<br>a beginning, a development, and a denourment. And it was horrible.<br><br>When I woke up it must be four in the morning. I heard the cat mewing again. <br>I went to the corridor. Again I found no cat there.<br><br>At half past six I woke for the third time, and the cat was mewing more<br>miserably than ever. The wind had now abated, but it was cold. I suddenly<br>realized the noice was from the outside. The little wreck had stayed outside<br>in this cold a whole night&#33;<br><br>I went down stairs to look for her. She was on a tree&#33; looking as miserable<br>as miserable can be. And she was quite wet&#33; I tried to bring her down. She <br>persisted on staying there. When I resort to force, she gave a few violent<br>scratchs on my skin. (still hurt now.)<br><br>I brought her back to my dorm. She was starving. I had her half a packet of<br>niurougan I had left over the previous night, and she eat them with a spped<br>I never imagined. She made disgusting sound while eating, like a goblin <br>preying an a corpse. When she finished, she asked for more. I had no more<br>left, so she mewed in discontent.<br><br>This made my room mate very angry indeed, in fact he was quite livid. He <br>climbed out of bed without saying a word, and throw the cat out of the room.<br>I thought since I had helped her so far, I might as well carry on my good deed<br>to the end. So I went up and returned her to her master, who was still fast<br>asleep.<br><br>I couldn&#39;t go to sleep any longer.<br><br>I used to have a girl who is crazy about cats. So one day I bought her a cat,<br>a little girl-cat, oranged coloured, very cute. She liked it, saying it was<br>beautiful. I said it was beautiful. I named it after her. Then one day, she <br>told me she was leaving me for good. Then one day, the cat bited me for no<br>reason at all. I gave the cat away. It is said that it is now living ver<br>happily in her new home.<br><br>Really, I don&#39;t like cats. I never like them.<br>
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