JOHNSON: FED UP WITH LOVE<br><br> When asked about the most essential thing in my life, I used to say it was nothing but love! While now it is rather a different picture for me . Frankly speaking, I have got fed up with love, the so-called ultimate of romance.<br><br> True, love is a mixed blessing. No other time in my life has the issue been more visible. Sorrow to love is just as shadow to the sun. A promising start is so likely to result in a depressing end. It is the universally overt truth, only not seen by us.Or it is the other side of the coin: most of us are not willing to see what is not in favour of ourselves. That is why the song goes like this,'Wise men say only fools fall in love!'<br><br> Most of my net-fellows have said more than once that I am definately qualified as 'a valiant soldier' after surfing my homepage. They must have been misled by my collections of memory, taking for granted that I am a capable young guy with ambitons for love but always star-crossed. While others hold the idea that Xiaoyao is a 100 per cent poseur. They cannot stand almost everything---my pictures, my way to carry myself, my outlook on the world and love. I may even have bocome the persona non grata in their eyes.I didnot mean to set up both images. My initial intention is no more than to build a repo-sitary to commemorize my past youth. Behind the imaginary screen, I am nobody but an extremely commonplace man ---- homely-looking, rather dependent, romantist while perfectist, sissy as it may be, addictive in bad habits such as smoking oversleeping, absolutely lazy-bone in everyday life, with not-so-good temper and just-so-so income. You got it? I am a small potato struggling for an unpractical future.<br><br> I used to believe that my most valuable treasure is that I boast such unforge-table past experiences, whether pleasant or not. I once viewed it as one of my indispensable obliga-tions. Ironically, they seem to be santanic retributions now . In a completely dark and hopeless world, my nightmares seem so endless. I do not know how to cope with the following years, to be or not to be? Ha! JUst let it be, let it be! <br><br> Love has brought me sorrows more than happiness. Anyway the Beatles sing;' they long to yesterday...'. We do have something more important and more significant than love.Farewell to the past , farewell to the so-and-soes in my life; just go ahead, for a life which may be without romance but must be brand-new... <br><br> <br> |