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福來堡[山水社]開春了,上山啦! 2015「山水之友」V信群新建_週週有活動

 楼主| 发表于 22.5.2009 10:39:38 | 只看该作者
, [& N" k! b8 K( T5 G: q4 m周日如果到Seepark踢球,有空先到小寒舍坐坐喝茶,我这里有自己爱喝的Salbei-Honig等。+ t/ X* l  w8 A/ _
噢对了,我们健行的主力成员也有学医的,同行同行一起交流哈, 我也学习学习,对保养身体最感兴趣。
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发表于 22.5.2009 13:23:03 | 只看该作者
ok, 球肯定要踢,喝茶就不一定有空啦,因为还要回munstertal住呢。先谢谢啦。
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 楼主| 发表于 22.5.2009 22:27:28 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 24.5.2009 10:25:51 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 25.5.2009 21:37:28 | 只看该作者
[山水社]黑森林第23期大小谷GrossesKleinesTal岐伯岩Kybfelsen(090524)  : N" s% J$ ^& @* i* k  A0 K
上图,更多请访问http://environmentalistsociety.spaces.live.com/default.aspx+ i" X6 a8 s+ ^# B3 d' ^
* I2 v+ {3 f/ d/ U! o4 ^4 Y
大谷夏景9 [5 S! t2 |# _2 U; ]. \" q  X) z: j

* ]4 A7 \  P6 B5 G6 m* d: q
  z* F( H9 h3 n( }& @
; u- i( B9 U2 v( \小谷夏景& q  ~6 d' ]4 z" h9 ^& J3 W/ H4 a6 y

, H; U+ v. t' l5 L7 Q" T4 L1 C" R
  e1 X  c( E8 @# H# Q) s* {
0 k3 ~  ]  t  k; k% X, D' J5 G- ?# C* a7 Q/ Q! d7 h
  r' ?$ U7 [. I' T# S' S4 ~/ d, t5 k. a
' M$ n% S/ L/ g3 n: d
6 v- t9 x) A2 J. Y. F
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 楼主| 发表于 26.5.2009 17:45:45 | 只看该作者
[山水社]黑森林第23期大小谷-岐伯岩Kibfelsen6 r" P; _# ^; r7 L' p' G3 V
------------------------------------------8 D% D& @* V' ^  y
; D$ h9 r) B$ }* W/ f( V. s! ^# x$ n
《五律 登岐伯岩記》# i; m7 }7 z+ p
1 B, r0 M6 f" z) A5 q" a/ q
4 B; O0 z# [% q% L
, D4 ], a' e/ W; d+ i, C迂回穿小徑
, p7 D6 P$ N4 Z8 I, ]巨峙臥松間. f! o8 J7 t% C2 Y

: a/ f- n# o* _7 j. J悠然閑對弈
9 w/ O- a* a+ p' s坐璧立雙岩2 Z0 P2 |' K' P- I" d
峻峭雲峰頂  ]6 A4 N8 d. [9 Z9 u
% z; e6 ~4 U) B4 o4 l1 F' E' B( o! G6 K5 ^$ \9 A& J1 c& ^  z
( `5 Z* u) f' u3 j
) P4 x+ k  e- F黑森林2009-05-24]
2 x& k% b  f! s  u

$ u# _( {" E0 x/ E5 Y: |5 |! Y. ]! [0 H* T% d
《五律 登岐伯岩记》
3 a, L3 g4 `9 s9 C$ a" W+ g
- N- H* H3 w2 M* H: k岭暗山重路
8 X3 X3 K" u) K2 o4 N% D$ J$ U; i- J花明水覆泉! d9 q& F. {" \6 i. f" w' B
- j4 R: l# B  P% y$ T7 A& w巨峙卧松间+ r+ S; G% a/ g+ ~0 r
, h* m% m: |9 K& i
1 u, N+ K0 \: ^: [坐璧立双岩
* [( i/ q  ^6 {6 H峻峭云峰顶$ N4 R& X9 k4 ]4 J' C2 L5 q
- U0 D) G1 I% Z5 `# u, A1 T) J- g4 ^, l0 c; k0 }0 A
[共和五十九年春 黑森林2009-05-24]
1 U/ _! _1 C* i; S, q. J' R" C, s8 K: z( r! }( l+ x2 N: f
% {0 f* P1 f' ]0 K
迂回穿小徑- w3 l: F! C6 A& _1 ^  Q
( B. N" \$ F) I' _% \) n3 |) }
: E$ d$ _# d5 V: G9 {8 e! T2 S# B. t* n; @) G
7 d* Q$ `& J$ C$ X+ u; @
/ W) r% F' h# S. d# y$ a, i* K直擎玉柱天
5 x  P; d, D) x  }
$ [; U# ~0 v% d* L$ q
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 楼主| 发表于 28.5.2009 08:51:21 | 只看该作者
确定时间 更新通知/ s6 ?2 u# S! I5 f

5 C5 \8 o( }4 `  t[山水社]黑森林第25期0530Sa: 贝新峰Münstertal-Belchen(1414)敏寺谷中线[8-10km]8 r, X% p  [1 r: |' u
" N% j0 e4 r! c  B0 S仁者乐山 智者乐水
& f. `+ r& U  n5 X
2 Z) B) ~1 U! I' D) C; ~福来堡 山水社, L) o! E) l+ o2 U6 m- W

  I) H: y7 ]  s& K5 T% [2 B! d徒步健行  领略黑森林人文景观 & n7 f! C! K) T5 t3 e& Q7 v) Q0 ~
跋山涉水  感受原生态自然造化$ z, y* U8 }# i( ^6 S$ ]- r2 v2 T
' l) w! k; v6 [/ q6 L
[山水社]黑森林第25期0530Sa: 贝新峰-Münstertal-Belchen(1414)敏寺谷中线[8-10km]

# ~1 G8 Y& f" A6 I2 u! R& D3 I8 G3 t, h/ ?
09年05月30日周六 早10点整福来堡火车总站集合 (Bad Krozingen10:24和Muenstertal10:54)3 n* r' G. }3 i3 w! `
9 V. X& \8 z: S1 z/ t
& u8 g) E2 c$ J* e- t# q* H/ C+ W9 A/ Z- R( e
每次限9人 请联络017627606508或站内短信 青野君
: M5 t# G! A5 `- a. w2 b2 R6 p  p4 v9 D

) c7 ~0 e# C$ u% W( p3 E4 Q附时刻表供参考' A. p3 f6 H+ y1 c( @1 O. X2 h6 D2 J
Bahnhof/Haltestelle DatumZeitGleisProdukte
Freiburg(Breisgau) Hbf Sa, 30.05.09 ab 10:15 4 RE 31011Regional-Express
, q+ b5 q  n9 }6 D" NFahrradmitnahme begrenzt möglich, Fahrzeuggebundene Einstiegshilfe: Anmeldung 01805-512512 *, (*14 ct/Min. aus dem Festnetz, Mobilfunk ggf. abweichend)
Bad Krozingen Sa, 30.05.09 an 10:24 2
Bad Krozingen Sa, 30.05.09 ab 10:36 12 SWE72516Südwestdeutsche Verkehrs-AG
! S3 I1 W8 H, a( g4 `: K9 KFahrradmitnahme begrenzt möglich, nur 2. Klasse, Südwestdeutsche Verkehrs-AG
Münstertal(Schwarzwald) Sa, 30.05.09 an 10:54   
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 楼主| 发表于 29.5.2009 07:50:36 | 只看该作者
The "Belchen"
( N( c: V/ h( B" UWith its height of 1414m – it is only the third highest mountain in the Black Forest – but it is the most beautiful one. The view from here on wooded mountains and valleys in the Black Forest and on the Rhine valley with the Vosges behind is wonderful.
/ ]8 U8 a# M: V; ?. B
5 U. w* K% [: e. G# XOn clear days you can see the Alps. Above the timberline you will find a sub alpine flora, plants like the mountain campanula and foxgloves. The slopes facing the north are covered with pine trees but the ones looking to the south are either covered with rocks or you find meadows and light beech forests. $ n7 n- P1 q/ _1 T$ c

" Z7 v! _( I6 U& u"Belchen" is quite a common name for a mountain in the Black Forest, in Switzerland and in the Vosges. In the Alemannic language spoken in this region the word "Belchen" means a mountaintop which isn‘t steep but rounded off like a dome which often is bare. On these mountain tops the Celtic people who originally inhabited this area used to worship the sun as a deity which was called "Bellenus". The Celts did that especially on the longest and the shortest day and on the days when day and night are of the same length. This means they followed a kind of sun calendar. From this mountain called "Belchen" in the Black Forest you can see the sun rise directly above another mountain also called "Belchen" in Switzerland on the shortest day of the year. When day and night are of the same length which happens twice a year in spring and in autumn, then you see the sun set at the "Belchen" in the Vosges.
6 d9 D# Y4 o7 x. A4 n0 p& ~8 D" Z3 d0 f4 ?
Is that a coincidence? It probably is. But for the Celtic people this coincidence was of great importance.
/ w$ e. G) o  @# U* O. q* I8 v- O
& W$ H9 x, A2 [( [/ [1 bIf you want to see for yourself if it is correct what I am saying here then climb to the top and check on these peculiarities on 21st December, 21st March or 23rd September. It is not a difficult climb, there are lots of hiking trails you can follow. A road ends at the "Belchenhotel" which comes up from the northwest, the "Wiedener Eck" or from the southeast from "Schönau". At the top there is a circular walk on which you can go right round the dome.
# Q$ Z/ `' v! I7 a9 T5 h[http://www.blackforestinfo.com/regions/belchen.htm]
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 楼主| 发表于 29.5.2009 22:37:58 | 只看该作者
FAQ统一回答的问题: 厚实的运动鞋和结实耐磨的(牛仔)裤子就好,便携雨具,森林小气候多变,以防万一。
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 楼主| 发表于 30.5.2009 05:25:28 | 只看该作者
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