本帖最后由 慕尼黑学联 于 13.5.2010 10:52 编辑
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活动:„Open Doors. Open Minds“ -- 西门子论坛开放日参观 时间:2010年6月8日 地点:慕尼黑Siemens Forum 参加同学的专业最好是:Ingenieurwissenschaften,
" S( G$ q$ I6 ]" D Informatik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
9 i) w# k$ B6 s2 }2 U$ S# f) ]" bH, r5 a! F3 r l+ p-
* V' B0 n, v( e 报名方式:请写邮件至talentacquisition@siemens.com
详情请见: „Open Doors. Open Minds“ Siemens- Event on June 8th, 2010 in Siemens Forum You want to answer the world’s toughest questions to create our future? You want to get to know the world’s largest electronic company? At Open Doors. Open Minds. Siemens Experts, Siemens Graduate Program participants and Chinese students meet at the Siemens headquarters for 2 V4 h& ~9 U1 u/ g) e
interactive workshops, presentations and discussions. You will have the opportunity to experience various facets about an integrated technology company and discover entry opportunities and challenges. For more information please contact talentacquisition@siemens.com